1 Chronicles

Chapter 7

1 Now the sons1121 of Issachar3485 were, Tola,8439 and Puah,6312 Jashub,3437 and Shimron,8110 four.702

2 And the sons1121 of Tola;8439 Uzzi,5813 and Rephaiah,7509 and Jeriel,3400 and Jahmai,3181 and Jibsam,3005 and Shemuel,8050 heads7218 of their father's1 house,1004 to wit, of Tola:8439 they were valiant men1368 of might2428 in their generations;8435 whose number4557 was in the days3117 of David1732 two8147 and twenty6242 thousand505 and six8337 hundred.3967

3 And the sons1121 of Uzzi;5813 Izrahiah:3156 and the sons1121 of Izrahiah;3156 Michael,4317 and Obadiah,5662 and Joel,3100 Ishiah,3449 five:2568 all3605 of them chief7218 men.

4 And with5921 them, by their generations,8435 after the house1004 of their fathers,1 were bands1416 of soldiers6635 for war,4421 six8337 and thirty7970 thousand505 men: for3588 they had many7235 wives802 and sons.1121

5 And their brethren251 among all3605 the families4940 of Issachar3485 were valiant men1368 of might,2428 reckoned in all by their genealogies3187 3605 fourscore8084 and seven7651 thousand.505

6 The sons of Benjamin;1144 Bela,1106 and Becher,1071 and Jediael,3043 three.7969

7 And the sons1121 of Bela;1106 Ezbon,675 and Uzzi,5813 and Uzziel,5816 and Jerimoth,3406 and Iri,5901 five;2568 heads7218 of the house1004 of their fathers,1 mighty men1368 of valor;2428 and were reckoned by their genealogies3187 twenty6242 and two8147 thousand505 and thirty7970 and four.702

8 And the sons1121 of Becher;1071 Zemira,2160 and Joash,3135 and Eliezer,461 and Elioenai,454 and Omri,6018 and Jerimoth,3406 and Abiah,29 and Anathoth,6068 and Alameth.5964 All3605 these428 are the sons1121 of Becher.1071

9 And the number3187 of them, after their genealogy3187 by their generations,8435 heads7218 of the house1004 of their fathers,1 mighty men1368 of valor,2428 was twenty6242 thousand505 and two hundred.3967

10 The sons1121 also of Jediael;3043 Bilhan:1092 and the sons1121 of Bilhan;1092 Jeush,3266 and Benjamin,1144 and Ehud,164 and Chenaanah,3668 and Zethan,2133 and Tharshish,8659 and Ahishahar.300

11 All3605 these428 the sons1121 of Jediael,3043 by the heads7218 of their fathers,1 mighty men1368 of valor,2428 were seventeen7651 6240 thousand505 and two hundred3967 soldiers, fit to go out3318 for war6635 and battle.4421

12 Shuppim8206 also, and Huppim,2650 the children1121 of Ir,5893 and Hushim,2366 the sons1121 of Aher.313

13 The sons1121 of Naphtali;5321 Jahziel,3185 and Guni,1476 and Jezer,3337 and Shallum,7967 the sons1121 of Bilhah.1090

14 The sons1121 of Manasseh;4519 Ashriel,844 whom834 she bore:3205 (but his concubine6370 the Aramitess761 bore3205 853 Machir4353 the father1 of Gilead: 1568

15 And Machir4353 took3947 to wife802 the sister of Huppim2650 and Shuppim,8206 whose sister's269 name8034 was Maachah;)4601 and the name8034 of the second8145 was Zelophehad:6765 and Zelophehad6765 had1961 daughters.1323

16 And Maachah4601 the wife802 of Machir4353 bore3205 a son,1121 and she called7121 his name8034 Peresh;6570 and the name8034 of his brother251 was Sheresh;8329 and his sons1121 were Ulam198 and Rakem.7552

17 And the sons1121 of Ulam;198 Bedan.917 These428 were the sons1121 of Gilead,1568 the son1121 of Machir,4353 the son1121 of Manasseh.4519

18 And his sister269 Hammoleketh4447 bore3205 853 Ishod,379 and Abiezer,44 and Mahalah.4244

19 And the sons1121 of Shemida8061 were,1961 Ahian,291 and Shechem,7928 and Likhi,3949 and Aniam.593

20 And the sons1121 of Ephraim;669 Shuthelah,7803 and Bered1260 his son,1121 and Tahath8480 his son,1121 and Eladah497 his son,1121 and Tahath8480 his son,1121

21 And Zabad2066 his son,1121 and Shuthelah7803 his son,1121 and Ezer,5827 and Elead,496 whom the men376 of Gath1661 that were born3205 in that land776 slew,2026 because3588 they came down3381 to take away3947 853 their cattle.4735

22 And Ephraim669 their father1 mourned56 many7227 days,3117 and his brethren251 came935 to comfort5162 him.

23 And when he went in935 to413 his wife,802 she conceived,2030 and bore3205 a son,1121 and he called7121 853 his name8034 Beriah,1283 because3588 it went1961 evil7451 with his house.1004

24 (And his daughter1323 was Sherah,7609 who built1129 853 Beth-horon1032 the nether,8481 and the upper,5945 and Uzzen-sherah.)242

25 And Rephah7506 was his son,1121 also Resheph,7566 and Telah8520 his son,1121 and Tahan8465 his son,1121

26 Laadan3936 his son,1121 Ammihud5989 his son,1121 Elishama476 his son,1121

27 Nun5126 his son,1121 Joshua3091 his son.1121

28 And their possessions272 and habitations4186 were, Bethel1008 and the towns1323 thereof, and eastward4217 Naaran,5295 and westward4628 Gezer,1507 with the towns1323 thereof; Shechem7927 also and the towns1323 thereof, unto5704 Gaza5804 and the towns1323 thereof:

29 And by5921 the borders3027 of the children1121 of Manasseh,4519 Beth-shean1052 and her towns,1323 Taanach8590 and her towns,1323 Megiddo4023 and her towns,1323 Dor1756 and her towns.1323 In these428 dwelt3427 the children1121 of Joseph3130 the son1121 of Israel.3478

30 The sons1121 of Asher;836 Imnah,3232 and Isuah,3440 and Ishuai,3440 and Beriah,1283 and Serah8294 their sister.269

31 And the sons1121 of Beriah;1283 Heber,2268 and Malchiel,4439 who1931 is the father1 of Birzavith.1269

32 And Heber2268 begot3205 853 Japhlet,3310 and Shomer,7763 and Hotham,2369 and Shua7774 their sister.269

33 And the sons1121 of Japhlet;3310 Pasach,6457 and Bimhal,1118 and Ashvath.6220 These428 are the children1121 of Japhlet.3310

34 And the sons1121 of Shamer;8106 Ahi,277 and Rohgah,7303 Jehubbah,3160 and Aram.758

35 And the sons1121 of his brother251 Helem;1987 Zophah,6690 and Imna,3234 and Shelesh,8028 and Amal.6000

36 The sons1121 of Zophah;6690 Suah,5477 and Harnepher,2774 and Shual,7777 and Beri,1275 and Imrah,3236

37 Bezer,1221 and Hod,1936 and Shamma,8037 and Shilshah,8030 and Ithran,3506 and Beera.878

38 And the sons1121 of Jether;3500 Jephunneh,3312 and Pispah,6462 and Ara.690

39 And the sons1121 of Ulla;5925 Arah,733 and Haniel,2592 and Rezia.7525

40 All3605 these428 were the children1121 of Asher,836 heads7218 of their father's1 house,1004 choice1305 and mighty men1368 of valor,2428 chief7218 of the princes.5387 And the number throughout the genealogy3187 4557 of them that were apt to the war6635 and to battle4421 was twenty6242 and six8337 thousand505 men.376



1 以薩迦的兒子是陀拉,普瓦,約伯[Jashub]),伸崙,共四人。

2 陀拉的兒子是烏西、利法雅、耶勒、雅買、易伯散、示母利,都是他們父家─就是陀拉家之首[heads of their father's house, to wit, of Tola]在他們宗族中[in their generations]都是[were]大能的勇士。到大衛年間,他們的人數共有二萬二千六百名。

3 烏西的兒子是伊斯拉希;伊斯拉希的兒子是米迦勒、俄巴底亞、約珥、伊示雅,共五人,都是族長。

4 此外,與他們在一起的[And with them],按著他們[their]宗族、父家[house of their fathers]出戰的軍隊,共有三萬六千人,因為他們的妻和子眾多。

5 他們的族弟兄在以薩迦各族中都是大能的勇士,按著家譜計算共有八萬七千人。

6 便雅憫的兒子是比拉、比結、耶疊,共三人。

7 比拉的兒子是以斯本、烏西、烏薛、耶利末、以利,共五人,都是他們父家之首[heads of the house of their fathers],是大能的勇士。按著家譜計算,他們的子孫共有二萬二千零三十四人。

8 比結的兒子是細米拉、約阿施、以利以謝、以利約乃、暗利、耶利末、亞比雅、亞拿突、亞拉篾。這都是比結的兒子。

9 他們都是他們父家之首[heads of the house of their fathers],是大能的勇士。按著他們宗族的[their generations]家譜,其數[number of them]共有[was]二萬零二百人。

10 耶疊的兒子是比勒罕;比勒罕的兒子是耶烏施、便雅憫、以忽、基拿拿、細坦、他施、亞希沙哈。

11 這都是耶疊的兒子,都是族長,是大能的勇士;他們的子孫能上陣打仗的,共有一萬七千二百人。

12 還有以珥的兒子書品、戶品,並亞黑的兒子戶伸。

13 拿弗他利的兒子是雅薛、沽尼、耶色、沙龍。這都是辟拉的子孫。

14 瑪拿西的兒子亞斯烈,是她所生的[whom she bare];(他的妾敘利亞人卻[but his concubine the Aramitess]生了基列之父瑪吉。

15 瑪吉娶的妻是戶品、書品的妹子,名叫瑪迦。)瑪拿西的次子名叫西羅非哈;西羅非哈但有幾個女兒。

16 瑪吉的妻瑪迦生了一個兒子,起名叫毗利施。毗利施的兄弟名叫示利施;示利施的兒子是烏蘭和利金。

17 烏蘭的兒子是比但。這都是基列的子孫。基列是瑪吉的兒子,瑪吉是瑪拿西的兒子。

18 基列的妹子哈摩利吉生了伊施荷、亞比以謝、瑪拉。

19 示米大的兒子是亞現、示劍、利克希、阿尼安。

20 以法蓮的兒子是書提拉;書提拉的兒子是比列;比列的兒子是他哈;他哈的兒子是以拉大;以拉大的兒子是他哈;

21 他哈的兒子是撒拔;撒拔的兒子是書提拉。以法蓮又生以謝、以列;這二人因為下去奪取迦特人的牲畜,被本地的迦特人殺了。

22 他們的父親以法蓮為他們悲哀了多日,他的弟兄都來安慰他。

23 以法蓮與妻同房,他妻就懷孕生了一子,以法蓮因為家裏遭禍,就給這兒子起名叫比利亞。

24 (他的女兒名叫舍伊拉,就是建築上伯.和崙、下伯.和崙與烏羨.舍伊拉的。)

25 比利阿的兒子是利法和利悉。利悉的兒子是他拉;他拉的兒子是他罕;

26 他罕的兒子是拉但;拉但的兒子是亞米忽;亞米忽的兒子是以利沙瑪;

27 以利沙瑪的兒子是嫩;嫩的兒子是約書亞。

28 以法蓮人的地業和住處是伯.特利與其村莊;東邊拿蘭,西邊基色與其村莊;示劍與其村莊,直到迦薩與其村莊;

29 還有靠近瑪拿西人的境界,伯.善與其村莊;他納與其村莊;米吉多與其村莊;多珥與其村莊。以色列兒子約瑟的子孫住在這些地方。

30 亞設的兒子是音拿、亦施瓦、亦施韋、比利亞,還有他們的妹子西拉。

31 比利亞的兒子是希別、瑪結;瑪結是比撒威的父親。

32 希別生雅弗勒、朔默、何坦,和他們的妹子書雅。

33 雅弗勒的兒子是巴薩、賓哈、亞施法。這都是雅弗勒的兒子。

34 朔默的兒子是亞希、羅迦、耶戶巴、亞蘭。

35 朔默兄弟希連的兒子是瑣法、音那、示利斯、亞抹。

36 瑣法的兒子是書亞、哈尼弗、書阿勒、比利、音拉、

37 比悉、河得、珊瑪、施沙、益蘭、比拉。

38 益帖的兒子是耶孚尼、毗斯巴、亞拉。

39 烏拉的兒子是亞拉、漢尼業、利寫。

40 這都是亞設的子孫,都作他們父家之首[heads of their father's house],是精壯大能的勇士,也是首領中的頭目,按著家譜計算,他們的子孫能出戰的共有二萬六千人。

1 Chronicles

Chapter 7



1 Now the sons1121 of Issachar3485 were, Tola,8439 and Puah,6312 Jashub,3437 and Shimron,8110 four.702

1 以薩迦的兒子是陀拉,普瓦,約伯[Jashub]),伸崙,共四人。

2 And the sons1121 of Tola;8439 Uzzi,5813 and Rephaiah,7509 and Jeriel,3400 and Jahmai,3181 and Jibsam,3005 and Shemuel,8050 heads7218 of their father's1 house,1004 to wit, of Tola:8439 they were valiant men1368 of might2428 in their generations;8435 whose number4557 was in the days3117 of David1732 two8147 and twenty6242 thousand505 and six8337 hundred.3967

2 陀拉的兒子是烏西、利法雅、耶勒、雅買、易伯散、示母利,都是他們父家─就是陀拉家之首[heads of their father's house, to wit, of Tola]在他們宗族中[in their generations]都是[were]大能的勇士。到大衛年間,他們的人數共有二萬二千六百名。

3 And the sons1121 of Uzzi;5813 Izrahiah:3156 and the sons1121 of Izrahiah;3156 Michael,4317 and Obadiah,5662 and Joel,3100 Ishiah,3449 five:2568 all3605 of them chief7218 men.

3 烏西的兒子是伊斯拉希;伊斯拉希的兒子是米迦勒、俄巴底亞、約珥、伊示雅,共五人,都是族長。

4 And with5921 them, by their generations,8435 after the house1004 of their fathers,1 were bands1416 of soldiers6635 for war,4421 six8337 and thirty7970 thousand505 men: for3588 they had many7235 wives802 and sons.1121

4 此外,與他們在一起的[And with them],按著他們[their]宗族、父家[house of their fathers]出戰的軍隊,共有三萬六千人,因為他們的妻和子眾多。

5 And their brethren251 among all3605 the families4940 of Issachar3485 were valiant men1368 of might,2428 reckoned in all by their genealogies3187 3605 fourscore8084 and seven7651 thousand.505

5 他們的族弟兄在以薩迦各族中都是大能的勇士,按著家譜計算共有八萬七千人。

6 The sons of Benjamin;1144 Bela,1106 and Becher,1071 and Jediael,3043 three.7969

6 便雅憫的兒子是比拉、比結、耶疊,共三人。

7 And the sons1121 of Bela;1106 Ezbon,675 and Uzzi,5813 and Uzziel,5816 and Jerimoth,3406 and Iri,5901 five;2568 heads7218 of the house1004 of their fathers,1 mighty men1368 of valor;2428 and were reckoned by their genealogies3187 twenty6242 and two8147 thousand505 and thirty7970 and four.702

7 比拉的兒子是以斯本、烏西、烏薛、耶利末、以利,共五人,都是他們父家之首[heads of the house of their fathers],是大能的勇士。按著家譜計算,他們的子孫共有二萬二千零三十四人。

8 And the sons1121 of Becher;1071 Zemira,2160 and Joash,3135 and Eliezer,461 and Elioenai,454 and Omri,6018 and Jerimoth,3406 and Abiah,29 and Anathoth,6068 and Alameth.5964 All3605 these428 are the sons1121 of Becher.1071

8 比結的兒子是細米拉、約阿施、以利以謝、以利約乃、暗利、耶利末、亞比雅、亞拿突、亞拉篾。這都是比結的兒子。

9 And the number3187 of them, after their genealogy3187 by their generations,8435 heads7218 of the house1004 of their fathers,1 mighty men1368 of valor,2428 was twenty6242 thousand505 and two hundred.3967

9 他們都是他們父家之首[heads of the house of their fathers],是大能的勇士。按著他們宗族的[their generations]家譜,其數[number of them]共有[was]二萬零二百人。

10 The sons1121 also of Jediael;3043 Bilhan:1092 and the sons1121 of Bilhan;1092 Jeush,3266 and Benjamin,1144 and Ehud,164 and Chenaanah,3668 and Zethan,2133 and Tharshish,8659 and Ahishahar.300

10 耶疊的兒子是比勒罕;比勒罕的兒子是耶烏施、便雅憫、以忽、基拿拿、細坦、他施、亞希沙哈。

11 All3605 these428 the sons1121 of Jediael,3043 by the heads7218 of their fathers,1 mighty men1368 of valor,2428 were seventeen7651 6240 thousand505 and two hundred3967 soldiers, fit to go out3318 for war6635 and battle.4421

11 這都是耶疊的兒子,都是族長,是大能的勇士;他們的子孫能上陣打仗的,共有一萬七千二百人。

12 Shuppim8206 also, and Huppim,2650 the children1121 of Ir,5893 and Hushim,2366 the sons1121 of Aher.313

12 還有以珥的兒子書品、戶品,並亞黑的兒子戶伸。

13 The sons1121 of Naphtali;5321 Jahziel,3185 and Guni,1476 and Jezer,3337 and Shallum,7967 the sons1121 of Bilhah.1090

13 拿弗他利的兒子是雅薛、沽尼、耶色、沙龍。這都是辟拉的子孫。

14 The sons1121 of Manasseh;4519 Ashriel,844 whom834 she bore:3205 (but his concubine6370 the Aramitess761 bore3205 853 Machir4353 the father1 of Gilead: 1568

14 瑪拿西的兒子亞斯烈,是她所生的[whom she bare];(他的妾敘利亞人卻[but his concubine the Aramitess]生了基列之父瑪吉。

15 And Machir4353 took3947 to wife802 the sister of Huppim2650 and Shuppim,8206 whose sister's269 name8034 was Maachah;)4601 and the name8034 of the second8145 was Zelophehad:6765 and Zelophehad6765 had1961 daughters.1323

15 瑪吉娶的妻是戶品、書品的妹子,名叫瑪迦。)瑪拿西的次子名叫西羅非哈;西羅非哈但有幾個女兒。

16 And Maachah4601 the wife802 of Machir4353 bore3205 a son,1121 and she called7121 his name8034 Peresh;6570 and the name8034 of his brother251 was Sheresh;8329 and his sons1121 were Ulam198 and Rakem.7552

16 瑪吉的妻瑪迦生了一個兒子,起名叫毗利施。毗利施的兄弟名叫示利施;示利施的兒子是烏蘭和利金。

17 And the sons1121 of Ulam;198 Bedan.917 These428 were the sons1121 of Gilead,1568 the son1121 of Machir,4353 the son1121 of Manasseh.4519

17 烏蘭的兒子是比但。這都是基列的子孫。基列是瑪吉的兒子,瑪吉是瑪拿西的兒子。

18 And his sister269 Hammoleketh4447 bore3205 853 Ishod,379 and Abiezer,44 and Mahalah.4244

18 基列的妹子哈摩利吉生了伊施荷、亞比以謝、瑪拉。

19 And the sons1121 of Shemida8061 were,1961 Ahian,291 and Shechem,7928 and Likhi,3949 and Aniam.593

19 示米大的兒子是亞現、示劍、利克希、阿尼安。

20 And the sons1121 of Ephraim;669 Shuthelah,7803 and Bered1260 his son,1121 and Tahath8480 his son,1121 and Eladah497 his son,1121 and Tahath8480 his son,1121

20 以法蓮的兒子是書提拉;書提拉的兒子是比列;比列的兒子是他哈;他哈的兒子是以拉大;以拉大的兒子是他哈;

21 And Zabad2066 his son,1121 and Shuthelah7803 his son,1121 and Ezer,5827 and Elead,496 whom the men376 of Gath1661 that were born3205 in that land776 slew,2026 because3588 they came down3381 to take away3947 853 their cattle.4735

21 他哈的兒子是撒拔;撒拔的兒子是書提拉。以法蓮又生以謝、以列;這二人因為下去奪取迦特人的牲畜,被本地的迦特人殺了。

22 And Ephraim669 their father1 mourned56 many7227 days,3117 and his brethren251 came935 to comfort5162 him.

22 他們的父親以法蓮為他們悲哀了多日,他的弟兄都來安慰他。

23 And when he went in935 to413 his wife,802 she conceived,2030 and bore3205 a son,1121 and he called7121 853 his name8034 Beriah,1283 because3588 it went1961 evil7451 with his house.1004

23 以法蓮與妻同房,他妻就懷孕生了一子,以法蓮因為家裏遭禍,就給這兒子起名叫比利亞。

24 (And his daughter1323 was Sherah,7609 who built1129 853 Beth-horon1032 the nether,8481 and the upper,5945 and Uzzen-sherah.)242

24 (他的女兒名叫舍伊拉,就是建築上伯.和崙、下伯.和崙與烏羨.舍伊拉的。)

25 And Rephah7506 was his son,1121 also Resheph,7566 and Telah8520 his son,1121 and Tahan8465 his son,1121

25 比利阿的兒子是利法和利悉。利悉的兒子是他拉;他拉的兒子是他罕;

26 Laadan3936 his son,1121 Ammihud5989 his son,1121 Elishama476 his son,1121

26 他罕的兒子是拉但;拉但的兒子是亞米忽;亞米忽的兒子是以利沙瑪;

27 Nun5126 his son,1121 Joshua3091 his son.1121

27 以利沙瑪的兒子是嫩;嫩的兒子是約書亞。

28 And their possessions272 and habitations4186 were, Bethel1008 and the towns1323 thereof, and eastward4217 Naaran,5295 and westward4628 Gezer,1507 with the towns1323 thereof; Shechem7927 also and the towns1323 thereof, unto5704 Gaza5804 and the towns1323 thereof:

28 以法蓮人的地業和住處是伯.特利與其村莊;東邊拿蘭,西邊基色與其村莊;示劍與其村莊,直到迦薩與其村莊;

29 And by5921 the borders3027 of the children1121 of Manasseh,4519 Beth-shean1052 and her towns,1323 Taanach8590 and her towns,1323 Megiddo4023 and her towns,1323 Dor1756 and her towns.1323 In these428 dwelt3427 the children1121 of Joseph3130 the son1121 of Israel.3478

29 還有靠近瑪拿西人的境界,伯.善與其村莊;他納與其村莊;米吉多與其村莊;多珥與其村莊。以色列兒子約瑟的子孫住在這些地方。

30 The sons1121 of Asher;836 Imnah,3232 and Isuah,3440 and Ishuai,3440 and Beriah,1283 and Serah8294 their sister.269

30 亞設的兒子是音拿、亦施瓦、亦施韋、比利亞,還有他們的妹子西拉。

31 And the sons1121 of Beriah;1283 Heber,2268 and Malchiel,4439 who1931 is the father1 of Birzavith.1269

31 比利亞的兒子是希別、瑪結;瑪結是比撒威的父親。

32 And Heber2268 begot3205 853 Japhlet,3310 and Shomer,7763 and Hotham,2369 and Shua7774 their sister.269

32 希別生雅弗勒、朔默、何坦,和他們的妹子書雅。

33 And the sons1121 of Japhlet;3310 Pasach,6457 and Bimhal,1118 and Ashvath.6220 These428 are the children1121 of Japhlet.3310

33 雅弗勒的兒子是巴薩、賓哈、亞施法。這都是雅弗勒的兒子。

34 And the sons1121 of Shamer;8106 Ahi,277 and Rohgah,7303 Jehubbah,3160 and Aram.758

34 朔默的兒子是亞希、羅迦、耶戶巴、亞蘭。

35 And the sons1121 of his brother251 Helem;1987 Zophah,6690 and Imna,3234 and Shelesh,8028 and Amal.6000

35 朔默兄弟希連的兒子是瑣法、音那、示利斯、亞抹。

36 The sons1121 of Zophah;6690 Suah,5477 and Harnepher,2774 and Shual,7777 and Beri,1275 and Imrah,3236

36 瑣法的兒子是書亞、哈尼弗、書阿勒、比利、音拉、

37 Bezer,1221 and Hod,1936 and Shamma,8037 and Shilshah,8030 and Ithran,3506 and Beera.878

37 比悉、河得、珊瑪、施沙、益蘭、比拉。

38 And the sons1121 of Jether;3500 Jephunneh,3312 and Pispah,6462 and Ara.690

38 益帖的兒子是耶孚尼、毗斯巴、亞拉。

39 And the sons1121 of Ulla;5925 Arah,733 and Haniel,2592 and Rezia.7525

39 烏拉的兒子是亞拉、漢尼業、利寫。

40 All3605 these428 were the children1121 of Asher,836 heads7218 of their father's1 house,1004 choice1305 and mighty men1368 of valor,2428 chief7218 of the princes.5387 And the number throughout the genealogy3187 4557 of them that were apt to the war6635 and to battle4421 was twenty6242 and six8337 thousand505 men.376

40 這都是亞設的子孫,都作他們父家之首[heads of their father's house],是精壯大能的勇士,也是首領中的頭目,按著家譜計算,他們的子孫能出戰的共有二萬六千人。